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Support us

There are several ways to support us financially:

  • A one-off donation;
  • Becoming a donor;
  • Organizing a fundraising activity;
  • Offering to donate a grant;
  • Bequeath us in your will/dissolution of your estate;
  • Via Sponsorkliks.


How does SponsorKliks work ?


 Please use http://www.sponsorkliks.com/winkels.php?club=5163&nbta=0512

  • Please select the webshop which you are user to.
  • Thank you very much, with each transaction SponsorKliks give a small donation towards ZPOS.


When you donate, victims of sex trafficking (forced prostitution) will be able to receive legal and/or financial aid, spiritual care and shelter.

You can transfer your donation to our bankaccount number IBAN NL28INGB0008771808 in the name of Stichting Zonder Pardon Op Straat (ZPOS) the Hague


We are a registered Non-profit Organization eligible under Dutch law for tax exemption status (ANBI), therefore any contributions you make to our Foundation is tax deductable in your favor.


Spread the word

You can make the Foundation Zonder Pardon Op Straat known to a greater audience: by liking us on Facebook, following us on Twitter and LinkedIn.